Laser Acne Treatment

Laser Skin Treatments

All Laser Services can be bought in singles or packages.

Prices are as follows: Single | Series of 3 get 10% off | Series of 6 get 15% off

Laser Acne Treatments

A drug-free alternative to treat mild to moderate acne using advanced technology that destroys bacteria in the sebaceous gland to eliminate acne.

Buy 3 and receive 10% off or book 6 and receive 15 % off

Full Face $50    

Chest $100   

Shoulders $100   

Back $150    


Q. What does the treatment feel like?

A. The treatment is comfortable. During the treatment you may feel a warm sensation that causes no discomfort.

Q. When will I see results?

A. You will see visible results within 4 weeks of treatment, noticing reduction of swelling and redness surrounding the acneic lesions.

Q. Is the treatment safe?

A. The treatment is safe, and clinical trials as well as extensive clinical experience have validated its safety and effectiveness.

Q. How long does the treatment take?

A. The procedure can be performed in as little as 10 minutes or less, depending on the size of the treatment area.

Q. How quickly will I recover?

A. There is no downtime and you will be able to resume your regular activities immediately following the treatment.

Q. Are there any side effects?

A. You might experience temporary redness in the treatment area, which should subside within a few hours.

Q. How many treatments are required?

A. The typical regimen is 8-12 short treatment sessions over a period of one month to reduce papules and pustules by 60-70%.

Q. What are the advantages of SharpLight's treatment?

A. Treated patients experience shorter disease duration and reduced psychological stress, as well as reduced likelihood for acne lesions to leave permanent scars.

Q. Why is SharpLight's treatment preferable to topical medications?

A. Topical acne medications tend to irritate the skin and more than 40% of acne bacteria are insensitive to oral antibiotics. Most topical treatments produce minor to severe side effects, they tend to get costly for refills, and usually require 3-4 months of non-stop application.

How does it work?

Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC) technology: DPC technology uses three effective, safe and reliable clinical mechanisms to diminish mild and moderate inflammatory acne. The visible blue light destroys the bacteria. Then the yellow light coagulates the feeding blood vessels, while the infrared light dries up the lesions. Fractional Laser: The Fractional Laser ablates micro-columns in the skin which are separated by healthy skin. The healthy skin helps speed up the healing process by migrating new collagen and elastin into the treatment area. As a result, the skin is structurally changed, and acne scar tissue is eliminated or dramatically reduced.

Acne Laser is Prohibited for the Following:

  • Pacemaker/Defibrillator (internal/external)

  • Metal Plates, pins in the treatment area

  • Implants in the treatment area

  • Skin Cancer (past/ present)

  • Other Cancer types (present)

  • Precancerous leisons

  • Heart diseases/heart failure

  • Pregnancy: current & 3 months post

  • During Breast feeding

  • Topical use of Hydroquinone acids, bleaching agents, Retin A

  • Immune depressants consumptions

  • Photosensitizing medications/herbs (sun sensitive)

  • HIV

  • Other Immunosuppressive condition.

  • White, gray, platinum, light auburn, Vellus hair (hair removal will not work on these types of hairs)

  • Light-induced/heat-induced diseases (Lupus, Porphyria, Epilepsy, and others)

  • Skin disease (past/present) such as: Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Vitiligo, and others, located at the treatment area

  • Active Rosacea and / or acne

  • Keloid scars

  • Fragile skin

  • Consumption of Retinoids (Roaccutane, Isotretinoins, and others) during the previous 6 months ( topical and/or oral)

  • Steroid consumption (cortisone and others)

  • Bleeding, hemorrhages

  • Tanned skin in the last 4 weeks (sun/artificial sun/tanning lotions)

  • Fertility treatments

  • Active Herpes Simplex

  • Endocrine diseases (diabeties, polycystic ovaries for hair removal) You will need a doctors note.

  • Wait 2 weeks after Microdermabrasion, peels, microneedling, dermaplaning if you are being treated in that area

  • Botox or Dermal Fillers (wait two weeks after having injectables) 

  • Tanning